The term posterization is used because it can influence your photo similar to how the colors may look in a mass-produced poster, where the print process uses a limited number of color inks. 长期色调分离使用,因为它可以影响你的照片,类似的颜色可能看起来如何在大规模生产的海报,打印过程中使用数量有限的彩色墨水。
The query can come from the poster or from the frame itself, since it only handles the region of interest ( ROI), no constraints are required for the color of the background ( out of ROI). 用户查询输入可以来自影片的海报宣传画、影片花絮镜头等等,由于仅对用户感兴趣的部分进行处理,所以对背景(非感兴趣区域)的色彩无须约束。
Poster design is the visual element is graphics, text, color, etc. to an intuitive and accurate form of visual language to convey to the viewer a visual arts. 招贴设计是将视觉元素即图形、文字、色彩等以直观的视觉语言形式准确的传达给观者的一门视觉艺术。
Specific analysis of theTanaka "Noh" poster design symbol, is by no in the image, grid, color, and form Tanaka unique design symbol. 具体分析了田中一光能剧招贴设计符号,是由能剧中的形象、方格、色彩、虚实组成了田中一光特有的设计符号。